Friday, July 27, 2012

0 Cricket sounds

Summary: Cricket sounds can be put in a group of the most recognizable insect sounds. If you like crickets or you just think that cricket sounds will wake you up or make you pay attention when somebody is calling you on the phone, you can find some the best crickets sound effects in a Cricket Sounds FREE app.

Updated: Jul 27, 2012
Found in: cricket, sounds, app, free

Requirements: Android 2.2+
Downloads: 14
Cricket sounds can be put in a group of the most recognizable insect sounds. If you like crickets or you just think that cricket sounds will wake you up or make you pay attention when somebody is calling you on the phone, you can find some the best crickets sound effects in a Cricket Sounds FREE app. This sound collection consists of Ambient Sounds with Crickets, Cricket sounds 1-3, Cricket in Bordeaux, Cricket in Georgia, Eastern Green Bush, Field Cricket in Germany, Field Cricket Species in Spain, Great Green Bush in Germany, Grey Bush in Germany, House Cricket in Germany, Light Rain And Crickets, Midnight Cricket, Mole cricket Spain, Nightime Crickets, Roesel's bush Germany, Summer Crickets Chirping. Features: - listen to the tones - set as a ring tone - set as a notification/sms tone - set as alarm tone (please note that setting alarm sound will not affect existing alarms but only new ones you create) Maybe these creatures seem so small but their sounds are very loud and they are used in many occasions. Since the days of radio entertainment, the sound of crickets chirping has been used as an indication that a scene is taking place late at night. In comedy formats, the sound of crickets may be used to humorously indicate a dead silence when a response, such as laughter after a punch line, is expected. Similarly, in online communication, writers may use the concept of "crickets chirping" in a rhetorical sense to signal that the writer believes that he or she has made a point that a hypothetical opponent cannot answer. The space that would have been occupied by the nonexistent answer is instead occupied by the symbolic word *crickets* or *chirp chirp* to symbolize this silence. Enjoy Cricket sounds app!

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