Tuesday, September 18, 2012

0 Contract Whist

Summary: Contract Whist is a free card game like Oh Hell where you play against 2-5 AI opponents.

Updated: Sep 18, 2012
Found in: card, games, whist, oh, hell, contract, bid, players, trick, ai

Downloads: 1155
Contract Whist is a card game where you play against 2-5 AI opponents. You play with a standard deck of playing cards. Play consists of 2 phases.

Bidding Phase:

The bidding phase is where each player selects the number of tricks they think they are going to win in that hand. You select your bid by use of the bid buttons. Pressing \"Bid Other\" brings up higher bids than the ones displayed.
The last player to bid cannot bid to make the total bids equal the number of cards in the hand. This is so that not all pl ayers are able to win as many tricks as bid.
The number bid represents the exact number of tricks that player thinks they will win not the lowest number of tricks they think they will win.

Play Phase:

The play phase starts with the player to dealer's left selecting any card from their hand. Each player then follows by playing a card of the same suit if possible with the highest card winning the trick.
If a player has no cards of the same suit they may either discard an unwanted card or play a trump. The trump suit is indicated in a box to the top-right of screen.
Trumps have the effect of beating the suit led and once one is played the highest trump wins the trick. The trick winner then starts the next trick by again selecting any card from their hand. If \"NT\" is displayed in the Trumps area there are no trumps in this hand.


After the hand is finished each player is given 1 point for every trick t hey won and an additional 10 points if they won as many tricks as they bid.
The score-sheet is displayed with the number of cards in the hand in the furthest left column and the players' scores so far in the remaining columns.\n\n"


The cards in your hand are displayed to the bottom of the screen and you select which one to play by touching it. If you have a lot of cards in your hand there will be 2 lines of cards to make selection easier.
The box top-left of screen shows the number of cards in the hand and how much the bidding is over the number possible (+) or under (-).
The current dealer is indicated by a 'D' in an orange circle in their player area.
Sometimes during play cards will be obscured by other cards played on top, if this happens touching the play area will display the cards in the current trick in order of play.
If the cards are played too fast and you missed any of them touching the play are a of the trick winner will display all the cards in the last trick in order of play.

Device Controls:

Pressing the "Menu" button on your device gives options for reading these instructions, changing your player name and an about box.
Pressing the "Back" button on your device will either cancel the current window e.g. instructions or artwork, or will bring you back to the title screen.
If you find yourself at the title screen mid-game you can select "Resume Game" to resume exactly where you left off. You can do this if you close the application and restart as well.

Game Types:

If the game type is "Descending" the number of cards in the hand will start at the maximum possible for the number of players and will decrease by 1 each hand with the final hand consisting of 1 card each.
If the game type is "Down & Up" the hands will decrease as in descending then go back up to the maximum value.
If the game t ype is "Maximum" the game will consist of 10 hands all with the maximum possible number of cards.

High Scores:

High scores are displayed by selecting this option from the title screen. You device will attempt to connect to the internet to download the latest scores.
No internet connection is made during normal play. The first high score table is the list of top rated players. Your rating is updated whenever you finish a hand based on your position for that hand.
It cannot go lower than the starting value of 1000. Ratings are doubly hard to improve higher than 10000 and 20000. If you quit out mid-hand your rating is adjusted as if you lost the hand, it is restored if you resume the game. The other tables display the best scores for each game type, there are 12 of these tables in total.

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  1. Open your preferred Barcode scanner software
    (Do not have barcode app? Get one here or more on the barcode page).
  2. Point your phone camera at the QR code below and scan it.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to proceed with the installation.


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