Samsung has really been talking up the Note II lately. For good reason, too - it looks pretty amazing. While they have already showed off some of its more notable features, a new video of the Korean version is now available on YouTube highlighting a few features that we haven't seen before, like multi-window. Start around the two-minute mark below to catch it in action.
Pretty amazing, no? It's like they took everything Ron hated about the Note 10.1's "multitasking" feature and fixed it. They split-screen several different apps here - some proprietary, some not. GTalk makes an appearance (including a video-chat no less), as well as S Note, the stock browser, messaging, and a few more. It looks like they've done a really nice job here with the execution, so we're really hoping that the actual use is a smooth and seamless as it is in the video.
As I said, this is the Korean variant of the device, but there's no reason to think they'd drop this feature in the US version. I am suddenly even more excited about the Note II than ever before.
[Thanks, Salman!]
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