Monday, September 17, 2012

0 Weibo User Reveals Questionable Press Shot Of HTC's Unannounced 5" Phone

Remember HTC's 5" mystery device we caught a glimpse of last month? Well, according to Engadget, a user of China's popular social network Weibo earlier revealed what may (or may not) be an official press shot of the device a shot which also reveals the device's potential name the HTC One X 5 (named, obviously, for its ample display size).

Engadget has "reason to believe [this] is an authentic press image of the finished result," but we're always skeptical of leaked press shots, and after putting the image under a magnifying glass, we're not so sure. Without further ado, here's the image in question:


Comparing this image to the blurry cam photos we saw before, the shot looks pretty accurate.


The camera, front grill and button layout, and inexplicable red side-stripes are all there. The first hint that this may not be entirely legitimate, though (besides the questionably miniscule bezel), is that the screen is a direct lift from the original One X's press renders:


At first glance, this doesn't seem too surprising we know that HTC purposely uses 10:08 for every clock in every press shot, but the widget's location still says Barcelona, 12 degrees Celsius, and February 26th. If that's not enough, check out the home screen's icons:


You may remember the Android Market got rebranded as Google Play just over six months ago. The final clue is the back side of the device. The photos we saw before indicate that the camera will likely look similar to the one pictured, but in the render, it seems to be a bit smaller, and (judging by the light reflection on the lens cover) perhaps lifted from the One S' press shots and treated to some colorization:


Besi des that, the back simply consists of a contoured rectangle similar to the leaked photos, with gradients that are pretty easily achievable with a few minutes and a copy of Photoshop.

Overall, this is definitely an intriguing render depicting a more intriguing device, but it's not entirely likely that we're looking at an official shot of HTC's yet-unnamed super phone.

Via Engadget


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