Friday, May 24, 2013

0 How To Wirelessly Transfer Files Between Android Phones And Computers

Source: cyberexpertz

How To Wirelessly Transfer Files Between Android Phones And Computers

Android devices have the capability to carry large amounts of data as seen with the expanding capacities. The rate at which data is accumulated with android devices is also very high. Therefore, the need to access data on the android phone from a computer also increases. These items of date include music, files, photos and videos which we accumulate so fast on the android phone from our everyday experiences. All this data will need to be transferred to a computer due to limitations of storage space and the need to preserve the data. With and without a cable, the transfer of files has done between an android phone and a computer.

The use of a USB cable for many people is deemed cumbersome. The other option is the wireless transfer and android users have to know how to wirelessly transfer files between android phones and computers. Wireless technology as transformed all various different operations especially with technology devices. The need to have the cable and to learn how to use the cable is no longer emphasized.

The reality of transferring files between android phones and a computer has been possible and easier via Wi-Fi with the use of android apps. In fact the number of apps available to allow the transfer of files from android and to computers and on the opposite direction is inexhaustible. These apps are either free or paid but have the distinction of keeping things simple and straightforward. The cable may be faster but the wireless transfer of files is easy and less cumbersome. All these apps work based on basically one principle and that is running a small web server on your android phone. The only requirement is that both the android phone and the computer should be connected on the same WiFi network.

Examples of the android apps which will facilitate on how to wirelessly transfer files between android phones and computers are: Airdroid, Wifi File Explorer, Software Data Cable and ES File Explorer. These are but few examples which have worked very well for many people. The way to go about the file transfers is almost similar among the different apps utilizing the LAN browser and can be successfully done in a simple few steps.

For the specific choice made by an individual android user, find the app from the Google Play store and download it.

Install it and ensure that both the android phone and the computer are connected to Wi-Fi before proceeding to run it.

On the computer, launch the browser and on it and type the IP number provided by the app.

All data on your android phone storage memory will be visible and can be transferred as an individual wishes.

These are the basic steps and may differ slightly across the above named apps to include a unique feature or two which different developers envision in their apps. Again the paid version of any of the apps will have expanded features but all in all the aim is to handle file transfers seamlessly.

How To Wirelessly Transfer Files Between Android Phones And Computers


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